Naturopathic Medicine is a form of medicine that treats the whole person, and looks at the person’s condition from many different angles in order to get to the root cause of an issue rather than just treating or supressing the symptoms that arise. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease.
Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct primary health-care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment and optimal health through therapeutic methods to encourage the inherent self-healing of the body. Naturopathic Medicine blends modern and traditional, scientific methods.

The Healing Power of Nature
Identifying obstacles in healing and recovery and facilitate and augment the inherent self-healing process.

Identify and Treat the Cause
Identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than merely eliminating or supressing the symptoms.

First Do No Harm
Use the least force necessary to diagnose and treat. Use treatment methods and medical substances with minimal risk of harmful side effects, while avoiding suppression of symptoms. Acknowledge where the individual is at, and work with that in the self-healing process.

Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
Educate the patient and encourage responsibility for their own health.

Treat the Whole Person
Treat each patient individually and take their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, genetic, environmental and social factors into account.

An emphasis on prevention of disease by assessing risk factors and susceptibility to disease and make appropriate intervention to prevent illness.
Naturopathic Medicine manages a variety of conditions such as: digestive complaints, stress management and anxiety, respiratory complaints, allergies, depression, fatigue, hormonal problems, pain management and cardiovascular disease.
The treatment is based on the individual from a physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, environmental and lifestyle perspective. It blends many different modalities and types of treatment together. Some of the treatment modalities include: Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Botanical Medicine, Homeopathy, Physical Medicine, Soft Tissue Mobilization, Counselling, Clinical and Laboratory diagnostics Prescription medication and intravenous and injection therapy.
Our Naturopathic Services: please select from the bottom list of treatments:
Detoxification & Drainage Programs
The world we live in constantly exposes us to chemicals, preservatives, heavy metals, hormones, pharmaceuticals- even our water has additives!
Cleansing or detoxification is a tool that we can use to achieve and maintain wellness. There are many measures that we can take to minimize our exposure to various toxins in our environment, but it is getting much more difficult to remove all toxin exposure from our daily lives. The concept of cleansing has been around for a long time, and has been a common prescription of Naturopathic Doctors. Body purification has been a part of many ancient traditions, religious ceremonies and rituals for health and well-being.
There are external and internal sources of toxins. The external toxins come mainly from the foods that we eat and drink, the air we breathe and the products that our skin comes in contact with. Internally our body naturally produces toxins through normal physiological functions.
Why is cleansing so important?
Biochemical, cellular, and bodily activities generate substances that need to be eliminated. Our thoughts, emotions and stress can also generate increased biochemical toxicity. The proper level of elimination of these toxins is essential to health. Clearly, a normal functioning body was created to handle certain levels of toxins. The concern lies where there is excess intake or production of toxins or there is a reduction in the elimination of toxins or even worse, a combination of the two. The result can overburden the systems of the body making a person more vulnerable to poor health and disease.
The body detoxifies and eliminates toxins through the following systems:
- Respiratory – lungs, bronchial tubes, throat, sinuses, and nose
- Gastrointestinal – liver, gallbladder, colon, and whole GI tract
- Urinary – kidneys, bladder, and urethra
- Skin and dermal – sweat and sebaceous glands and tears
- Lymphatic – lymph channels and lymph nodes
Our body handles toxins by neutralizing, transforming, or eliminating them. The liver helps transform many toxic substances into harmless agents, while the blood carries wastes to the kidneys. The liver also dumps wastes through the bile and into the intestines, where much waste is eliminated. Our sinuses and skin may also be accessory elimination organs whereby excess mucus or toxins can be released, such as with sinus congestion or skin rashes. We also clear toxins through sweating.
A well planned detoxification program will support all of these routes of detoxification and elimination. Often the focus is on the liver whereby we ease the toxic burden and allow the liver to catch up on getting rid of accumulated toxins. It is important that all pathways and phases are supported. If you start pushing detoxification pathways of the liver and there is no way for the toxins to leave the body( for example a person suffering from chronic constipation) then the body will push toxins out through other pathways such as the skin, resulting in a flare up of acne or eczema.
- What does a detoxification program consist of?
A detoxification program includes modifications to the diet, the use of herbs, supplements and/or homeopathics. By using herbal and homeopathic preparations specific to cleansing the systems of detoxification, the course of action will be more thorough and less burden on the body.
A cleansing diet is based on a simple organic whole foods diet and requires the avoidance of inflammatory foods such as simple refined sugars, coffee, alcohol, gluten grains, dairy products, red meats and high saturated fats. This may be further customized according to the individual’s particular food sensitivities and cleanse goals. Foods that promote detoxification functions of the liver such as artichoke, dandelion leaf, parsley, nettle, cilantro, collard greens, garlic, onions, beetroot and cabbage should be included. There are many different detox programs on the market that provide instructions on a diet to follow as well as providing herbal preparations. A simple diet of vegetable broth and generous helpings of steamed vegetables in addition to a low-allergen protein source that provides the amino acids necessary for detoxing is a simple way to start the process of breaking down and eliminating toxins.
- How do I start my first cleanse?
Someone new to a detox program should take into consideration:
Are you in fairly good health? A cleanse can be taxing, especially at the beginning, even on a relatively healthy person. As the toxins begin to move through the channels of elimination some discomfort is not unusual. Minor symptoms such as nausea, headaches, muscle aching, skin breakouts, irritability and flu-like symptoms are not uncommon and are actually a good sign that the body is getting rid of toxins. These symptoms, however can be much more intense if a person has compromised health. In this situation it is highly recommended that an individual consult with a health care practitioner to ascertain if they are strong enough to undertake a cleanse and to guide them through it. It may be necessary to strengthen the body first or take it extremely slow and gentle
Before embarking on a detox regime and in order to insure success it is important to prepare well in advance, making sure you have the necessary dietary ingredients on hand as well as clearing your schedule as much as possible. A cleanse is a time to be good to yourself. Initially it is a good idea to start with a short cleanse, increasing the duration with subsequent cleanses.
- What are some other things that I can do to facilitate my detoxification program?
Energetic and physical therapies such as acupuncture, massage, hydrotherapy, intravenous vitamin C, exercise and therapeutic sweating are all complementary in aiding and expediting the detoxification process.
Cleanse regimens can also be tailored to meet your specific and individual needs taking into consideration dietary restrictions and health concerns.
For those of you wanting to take it a step further, identifying your particular constitution and temperament based on patterns of reactions (both physical and emotional) can give individual insight into many of your health issues and guidance in such areas as detoxing specific to your type.
Having a genetic profile done is an interesting base to start looking at one’s inherited risks. Genetic variations do not cause disease but rather influence a person’s weakness to specific environmental factors that increase disease risk. Your genetic profile identifies DNA variations that may affect your ability to detoxify specific toxins and medications. Having this information is valuable in tailoring your individual detoxification program. Ask our office about our genetic tests.
Finally, cleansing should be done at least a few times a year, with your two most significant cleansing periods coinciding with the transition to spring and fall.
Tinctures are herbal remedies that use alcohol or other solutions to extract the active ingredients from a herb. They have many uses from soothing a sore throat, to aiding sleep, as well as helping with general health concerns.
Tinctures are potent remedies, so a small amount can have a big impact. The alcohol also acts as a preservative, so tinctures last a very long time!
At Kinetic Patterns we have a full array of different herbal tinctures, and our Naturopathic Doctors can make custom blends suited to your specific needs.
Lab Testing
Allergy Testing | Vitamin D Testing | Heavy Metal Testing | Dental Materials Compatibility Testing *The Cliffords Test & others |
Genetic/Oral Microbiome testing (for periodontal disease) | Digestive Testing Sibo – How healthy is your gut? | Hormonal Testing The Dutch Test | Food Sensitivity Testing |