
Myofascial injections also known as Trigger Point Injection (TPI) is a procedure used to treat injured muscles that contain trigger points, or knots within the area of the muscles that are caused by injury and resulting in pain and discomfort.

During the Myofascial Injection therapy procedure, the health care professional will insert a small needle into the area where the trigger point injury is located. While injecting the site and releasing the trigger point knot, the physician will inject small amounts of dextrose, procaine and other natural and homeopathic remedies to aid in recovery.

Prolotherapy stimulates the body’s natural healing process and can be used effectively for chronic pain, strengthening injured tissues, treating musculoskeletal conditions and restoring function. It is a much less invasive alternative to surgery, pain medication and steroid (cortisone) injections.

Prolotherapy is a non-surgical regenerative injection therapy used to repair injured tendons, ligaments and joints. Usually, these connective tissues have limited blood supply, resulting in incomplete healing after an injury.

The prolotherapy injection (dextrose and procaine) stimulates a controlled inflammation in the area which signals the body to begin a healing cascade which allows increased blood flow and nutrient supply to the injured area. This process helps strengthen and repair injured or painful joints and connective tissue and leads to the growth of new, healthy connective tissue and fibers.  

For more information please call our clinic to book a consultation with one of our healthcare practitioners.

Neural therapy is an injection treatment implemented to stimulate healing geared towards alleviating autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pain. The injection therapy is practiced by a well-trained physician and has been identified as a good complimentary procedure to Prolotherapy, a treatment that helps stimulate the healing of joints, ligaments and tendons.

Neural therapy is a form of holistic medicine for treating illness and chronic pain by injecting specified interference fields at specific sites of the body that are responsible for a type of electric energy that can cause illness or pain. These interference fields can be treated by Neural therapy injections allowing the body to heal from illness and pain.

Neural refers to nerves. When a nerve is impeded, the regulation of its connected body parts is compromised. This can result in poor function, pain, disease, and disability. The purpose of neural therapy is to unblock the interference to normal functioning by using injections into the specific areas of disturbance. The injections often contain homeopathic medicines, local anesthetic (procaine), 5% dextrose or vitamins such as B12. The sites of injection are determined by the history of trauma, location of symptoms, and connected dysfunctional areas.

Any stress on the body, whether physical, psychological or toxic, will activate the nervous system and create what is referred to as “a fight or flight response”. This could be the result of a car accident, surgery, emotional distress, fear, toxic exposure or any threat or perceived threat to life or person. In an ideal healing response, once the stress is removed, the nervous system should reset itself. Unfortunately, for many people the modern stresses are so great and continuous, there may be no chance for the body to return itself to normal and heal as a result. A local area then becomes locked into a constant fight or flight state and can for many years interfere with the normal nervous system regulation in the body. A very common example of this is a motor vehicle accident with whiplash injury.

Scar Treatment with Neural Therapy:

Scar tissue is a common cause of disturbed communication between cells and organs. Any scar whether a small one from a childhood fall, from dental surgery or a major post-surgical scar will prevent with surrounding tissue from being able to communicate properly. A scar has an electric charge about 5x that of normal skin and can disrupt nerve flow. Scars that cross acupuncture meridian channels can block energy to those related organs and body parts.

A scar will hold injured or cut fascia, muscles and skin together, but it is not as flexible as the original tissue, so the underlying tissues cannot move as freely. The treatment of scars with neural therapy, even decades old ones, has consistently been an important factor in increasing mobility, reducing pain and improving movement and function.

PRP injections prompt soft tissue and joint healing by applying concentrated platelets (from the patient’s own blood) to the injured area. Platelets play an integral role in blood clotting and wound healing, as they are responsible for bringing white blood cells (WBC) to the injured area to clean up the debris of dead and injured cells. This repair of injured tissue releases growth factors that stimulate wound repair through secretory proteins. These bioactive proteins increase stem cell production to initiate connective tissue healing, bone regeneration and repair, promote the development of new blood vessels, and stimulate the tissue healing cascade.

PRP is one of the best non-surgical methods for pain control and injury recovery in joints. Using physical exam findings and previous imaging reports- this can help to determine the specific areas of the body that need to be targeted/treated.

PRP can treat all chronic and acute joint, ligament and tendon injuries including tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocations, meniscal tears, osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain, neck pain and any other areas of injured connective tissue, joints, tendons or ligaments. Prolotherapy and PRP can be used to treat the same conditions, but PRP is often indicated when the positive effects of regular dextrose prolotherapy have plateaued or are insufficient. Additionally, PRP is sometimes preferred for serious degenerative changes or high-performance athletes when the injury is very severe or complex, as with labral or meniscal tears. PRP is not only used for orthopedic injuries and sports medicine, but also for aesthetic medicine to promote collagen formation- and it is 100% natural!

How long does the appointment take?
The entire process takes approximately one hour, depending on the injury. The physician will draw blood from the patient, then process and spin the blood using a centrifuge to properly separate the plasma from the platelets. After, the doctor will inject the PRP into the injured area.
What to expect after the treatment?
The area of PRP injection may cause temporary inflammation and the area around the injection site may be swollen with some moderate pain for a few days after the treatment